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A Community For Musicians

We're building a 21st century community focused on your sounds. Join us and find your sound fast!

We're not just about software!

Our software will get you to your sounds 10 times faster. You’ll spend more time playing music and being creative. But, that isn’t enough! How about hanging with other musicians? How about sharing, selling and buying sounds? How about sharing all kinds of music-related content with other musicians? How about conversations and collaborations with other musicians?

An online community for all musicians makes this all happen, that’s what we’re about.


Our Community Starts with You

Together, we’re Stronger.

Whether you’re performing live or practicing, you want to play music and be creative.

Join our community and hang with other musicians with the same goals as you.

Our Software Applications

We offer two high utility software applications to control or manage your MIDI-enabled devices and instruments.

Access to the community. Get useful notifications. Manage your sounds. Share, sell or buy sounds. Backup your sounds to the cloud.

Access to the community. Get useful notifications. Edit your sounds fast! Manage your sounds. Share, sell or buy sounds. Backup your sounds to the cloud.

Share your Sounds

Our software applications MuzeXL and MuzeEdit give you free access to the MuzeLounge online community. Upload or download sounds to share, sell or buy sounds with other like-minded musicians. Then have conversations, collaborate, post other useful content while you’re at it.

You already Share Content on Social sites

Our community isn’t just about sharing sounds. Post anything, from comments, pics, videos or anything relevant to you and your musician friends.